Home Festival EN Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions



Article 1 – Definitions

In these General Terms and Conditions for Exhibition Participation at The Halal Village Festival (hereinafter referred to as: ‘Conditions’), ‘Exhibition’ means: The Halal Village; ‘Organizer: The Halal Village BV., ‘Exhibitor’: any natural or legal person with whom the Organizer negotiates the conclusion of an Agreement; ‘Agreement’: the agreement concluded between Organizer and Exhibitor regarding participation in the Fair, as well as any amendment or addition thereto; ‘Exhibition space’: Utrecht Koninklijke Jaarbeurs, Jaarbeursplein 6 Utrecht.

Article 2 – Applicability

These Terms and Conditions form part of the Agreement and apply to all related (legal) acts between Organizer and Exhibitor. The applicability of any specific or general terms and conditions or stipulations of the Exhibitor or third parties is expressly rejected by the Organizer.

Article 3 – General

The Fair will take place on May 18 and 19, 2024 in the Koninklijke Jaarbeurs, Jaarbeursplein, Utrecht. The fair is open on Saturday, May 18 from 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM and on Sunday, May 19 from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM. The organizer has the right to unilaterally change the opening hours.

Article 4 – Establishment of agreement

An Agreement is only concluded if and insofar as the Organizer accepts a registration from the Exhibitor for participation in the Fair in writing. The organizer expressly reserves the right to refuse participation in the Fair after registration, without stating reasons and without any claim arising from this for the registrant.


Article 5 – Obligations of Organization

The Organizer is responsible for the preparation and organization of the Fair, arranging publicity about the Fair, the rental of the Exhibition Space, security, the presence of a secretariat and the provision of standard stand spaces. Only the Organizer will allocate a stand space to the Exhibitor in the Exhibition Area, taking the Exhibitor’s wishes into account as much as possible. The Organizer reserves the right to allocate a larger or smaller stand space to the Exhibitor than the allocation requested by the Exhibitor, without any claim from the Exhibitor arising from this.

Article 6 – Obligations of Exhibitor

Exhibitor will pay the participation fee in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 11. Exhibitor must set up and dismantle the rented stand space in a timely manner in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 7. Exhibitor will use the stand space allocated to him exclusively for exhibition purposes; supervise his stand or have it monitored during the opening hours of the Fair; not exhibit goods under the name of third parties and/or display and/or distribute promotional materials from third parties within the allocated stand space; not exhibit in any way outside the allocated stand space, conduct promotional activities and/or trade in the broadest sense of the word; follow the instructions of the Organizer and its staff and security personnel. The Exhibitor ensures that the design of the stand and the goods and services exhibited by it are in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations, including applicable fire safety regulations, municipal regulations and internal regulations of the Exhibition Space.

The Organizer reserves the right to instruct the Exhibitor, if necessary, to change the layout of its stand, either in the interest of the Fair or because of the aforementioned laws and regulations. The Organizer is entitled, if necessary, to have changes made to the stand by the stand construction company contracted by the Organizer. Exhibitor is responsible for the additional costs involved. Exhibitor is responsible for the behavior of all persons appointed by him or working under his supervision. The Organizer is entitled to remove anyone from the Exhibition Area who endangers or threatens to endanger order and peace, or who violates the generally accepted standards of decent behavior and good manners, all at the sole discretion of the Organizer.

The organizer and its staff and members of the security service have free access to all stand areas at all times in order to exercise control or carry out work in the interest of the fair. In such a case, the exhibitor will provide all cooperation in order to limit unwelcome publicity for the fair and/or organizer as much as possible. Article 7 – Construction/disassembly schedule

The Exhibition Area is open for building and furnishing stands, as well as for bringing in exhibition materials for free construction on Friday, May 17 from 12:00 noon to 8:00 PM. Uniform construction starts Wednesday, December 6. The stands must be fully set up and furnished on Saturday, May 18 at 9:00 am . Removal of the exhibition materials as well as the dismantling and disposal of the stands must take place on Sunday, May 19 from 7:00 PM to 12:00 AM. If the Exhibitor does not comply with the above deadlines, the organizer reserves the right to take appropriate measures, including denial of participation in the fair and dismantling and removing the stand at the expense of the exhibitor. Construction times can be changed by an organizer without giving reasons.

Article 8 – Cancellation by Organizer

The Organizer may cancel, move and/or postpone the Fair for compelling reasons, at its sole discretion, by means of an oral and/or written notice of termination and/or notification to the Exhibitor. In the event of relocation and/or postponement, the exhibitor is bound to this. The Organizer is in no way liable for any damage suffered or yet to be suffered by Exhibitor and/or third parties as a result of the cancellation, relocation and/or postponement. In the event of cancellation, the organizer will not refund the participation fees already paid by the Exhibitor to the Exhibitor at the time of cancellation. In the event of force majeure, the provisions of Article 15 apply and the Exhibitor cannot claim a refund of participation fees already paid. The Organizer advises the Exhibitor to ensure that a cancellation clause is included in their own insurance.

Article 9 – Cancellation by Exhibitor

The Exhibitor has the right to cancel his participation in the Fair up to three months before the start of the Fair, February 18, 2024, stating specific reasons unless otherwise agreed in writing. In this case, the Exhibitor must pay 0% of the total participation fee to the Organizer. In case of cancellation up to two months before the start of the Fair, March 18, 2024, the Exhibitor must pay 50% of the total participation fee. In case of cancellation after April 18, 2024, 125% of the total participation fee must be paid by the Exhibitor to the Organizer. In case of cancellation after The 125% cancellation fee represents the costs already incurred by the Organizer and the costs still to be incurred as a result of the cancellation. In case of cancellation, the cancellation fee must be paid immediately with a maximum payment term of 14 days.

Article 10 – Prices

All prices and other rates of the organizer are expressed in euros and are exclusive of sales tax (VAT). The participation fee includes the costs of the stand space, the rental of the exhibition space and extras agreed in writing. The participation fee does not include other costs such as transport, loading, unloading and installation of the exhibitor’s materials; travel and accommodation costs for the stand staff; additional furnishing of the stand with, for example, furniture, display cases, decorations and extra lighting. The organizer is entitled to pass on the increase in cost price factors to the exhibitor by means of a rate increase. If such a rate increase is passed on within one month after concluding an agreement, the exhibitor has the right to terminate the agreement with immediate effect.

Article 11 – Payment

At the same time as the written confirmation of participation, the exhibitor will receive a written confirmation of the payment agreements made. The exhibitor will emphatically adhere to the agreements made. This invoice must be paid immediately.

Article 12 – Liability of Organizer

The organizer accepts no liability for damage resulting in any way from any act or omission of the organizer and/or its subordinates or third parties under its supervision during the construction, dismantling and duration of the Fair, or otherwise related to the Fair. The foregoing includes in particular loss, theft or damage to materials from the exhibitor or third parties; damage resulting from power outages, power variations and interruptions in heating and lighting; any injury suffered or inflicted on the exhibitor or third parties in the context of the Fair; consequential damage to the exhibitor or third parties, including delay damage, business damage, financial damage and immaterial damage. Nor is the organizer liable for the content of the message conveyed by the exhibitor during the Fair. If the organizer is unexpectedly held liable, the liability of the organizer towards the exhibitor is at all times limited to a maximum of ten percent of the amount of the agreed participation fee.


Article 13 – Exhibitor’s liability

The Exhibitor is liable for all damage resulting in any way from any act or omission of the Exhibitor and/or its subordinates or third parties under its supervision during the construction, dismantling and duration of the Exhibition, or which is otherwise related to the Exhibition. The foregoing includes in particular damage caused to stand materials and/or injury caused to persons during the aforementioned period in the exhibition space.

Article 14 – Indemnity

The exhibitor indemnifies the organizer against claims from third parties on any grounds whatsoever, including compensation for damage, costs or interest. More specifically, the exhibitor indemnifies the organizer against all claims from third parties relating to the use by the organizer of text and/or image material provided by the exhibitor, including claims from third parties regarding (alleged infringement of) intellectual property rights and/or regulations regarding to advertise. The exhibitor also indemnifies the organizer against all claims from third parties, on whatever grounds, relating to loss, theft or depreciation of goods and/or damage and/or injury caused to persons in connection with the Fair .

Article 15 – Force majeure

If the organizer cannot fulfill its obligations towards the exhibitor due to a non-attributable shortcoming, the fulfillment of that obligation will be suspended for the duration of the force majeure situation. Force majeure is in any case understood to mean any circumstance independent of the will of the organizer, as a result of which the fulfillment of its obligation towards the exhibitor is prevented in whole or in part, or as a result of which the fulfillment of its obligations cannot reasonably be expected of the organizer, regardless of whether the circumstances could have been foreseen at the time of concluding the Agreement. These circumstances include in any case: emergency situations (such as extreme weather conditions, fire and lightning strikes), strikes, diseases, epidemics and pandemics, non-compliance by suppliers on whom the organizer is dependent for the execution of the Agreement (including the operator of the Exhibition space and the stand construction company), burglary, telecommunications disruptions and/or in connection with any instruction from relevant authorities. If the force majeure situation lasts longer than thirteen months, both parties have the right to terminate the agreement in whole or in part by registered letter, insofar as the force majeure situation justifies this. Organizer will then

Refund 50% of the participation fee to the Exhibitor.


Article 16 – Insurance

Materials from exhibitor and third parties, as well as transport, delay, loss, theft, damage and depreciation thereof, personal injury and consequential damage, are not covered by the organizer’s insurance and the organizer is not liable for this. The organizer expressly advises the exhibitor to take out the necessary insurance for this himself.

Article 17 – Default / dissolution

If the exhibitor does not properly or timely comply with any obligation that may arise for him from the agreement, he will be in default without notice of default and the organizer is entitled to suspend the execution of the agreement until compliance by the exhibitor has been sufficiently assured; and/or to partially or completely dissolve the agreement without refunding certain invoices. In the event of (provisional) suspension of payments, bankruptcy, closure or dissolution of the exhibitor’s company, the agreement with the exhibitor will be terminated by operation of law.

Article 18 – Partners on the stand

The exhibitor must request prior written permission from the organizer for participating parties at the stand, including partners and suppliers. This applies to any party that is visibly present with a logo or other name mention and other presence in the broadest sense of the word. The organizer reserves the right to assess per party whether permission is granted. This will be announced in writing in advance. If the exhibitor has not requested prior permission from the organizer for participating parties, the exhibitor risks having these parties removed from the stand. The exhibitor also risks a fine of €1,500 per party that has not been reported. Participation by third parties unknown to the organizer is not permitted at all without written permission from the organizer.

Article 19 – Changes and additions

Changes and additions to any provisions in an agreement and/or conditions only apply if they have been recorded in writing by the organizer and only relate to the relevant agreement.

Article 20 – Transfer of rights

The organizer is at all times permitted to transfer the rights arising from the agreement to third parties. The exhibitor is only entitled to do this after prior written permission from the organizer.

Article 21.1 – Execution of Free Construction

The exhibitor is responsible for the complete construction and furnishing of the stand. In the case of free construction, a continuous wall adjacent to the aisle is only permitted provided that 50% of the entire width of the wall remains open, with a maximum of 4 meters in length (deviations only after written permission from the organization).

Truss (constructions) up to and including a height of 4 meters must always be completely wrapped with hard material. Water and electricity must be requested from The Halal Village BV. They will invoice the exhibitor directly.

Music/sound (DJs, tape music, live musician etc.) on the stand is NOT allowed.

The complete stand design (including any product launches, marketing campaigns) must be submitted to The Halal Village BV no later than March 25, 2024.

Article 21.2 – Implementation of Uniform Construction

The exhibitor must take care of the furnishing of the stand himself. Uniform stand construction includes floor covering, partition wall(s) (height 3 meters), basic lighting, company name on the frieze frame. Required water and electricity/wall socket must be requested separately.

Article 22 – Applicable law and competent court

Dutch law applies to these conditions and the agreement. All disputes arising from an agreement or these conditions will, unless otherwise required by law, be settled by the competent court in The Hague.